Ag/Agcl reference electrode is most commonly used in cyclic voltammetry, electrolysis and other electrochemical studies.
The saturated calomel electrode is a reference electrode based on the reaction between elemental mercury and mercury(l) chloride and is used in ph measurement, cyclic voltammetry and general electrochemistry
The Hg/Hg electrode is utilized as a reference electrode in alkaline solutions such as development of an alkaline hydrogen electrode
Graphite rod is made of highly pure material having good porosity and conductivity. It is used as counter electrode in corrosion as well as EIS studies.
Platinum Wire counter electrode with gold-plated connector, mounted in Teflon
Glassy Carbon Working Electrode (3 mm disc, 6 mm dia, 100mm long)
Platinum Disc Working Electrode (2 mm disc, 6 mm dia, 100 mm Long)
Platinum mesh (10x10 mm, 100 mm Long)
Polishing kit for Gold, Glassy Carbon, Gold, Silver Working Electrode includes, polishing pad, glass and alumina powder
Holder for working electrode crocodile clip/screw type